20 Şubat 2013 Çarşamba

Fashion! Clothes! Passion! POSE!

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Be Fashionable With Nikon 1 J2!

As a blogger, a camera is a WANT NEED!!!

That is why we need the all new Nikon 1 J2! Which comes in six different colours!!!

Nuffnang, together with Nikon has come up with this contest, whereby we will need to choose 1 colour out of the 6, and snap a picture that best matches our outfit!

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Equipped with an advanced hybrid AF system, lightning-quick image processor EXPEED 3 and Smart Photo Selector, the Nikon 1 J2 makes it fun and easy to take amazing photos

Here are some of the key features I want to highlight about this new stunning camera!

-Advanced hybrid AF system

Equipped with both a "phase-detection AF" superb for shooting fast action and a "contrast-detect AF" excellent for capturing subtle details in poorly lit areas. That means NO MORE POOR QUALITY PHOTOS ANYMORE!
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Nikon 1's advanced hybrid AF system intelligently selects the AF that best suits the scene and unfailingly delivers sharp images with high-speed and high-accuracy. Nikon 1 also boasts a wide coverage of 73 focus areas (41 focus areas in auto-area AF), which can track even a fast-moving subject and quickly capture it in focus. SAY BYE TO ALL BLURRY PICTURES! ♥♥♥

-Smart Photo Selector

This features allows your camera to start taking pictures EVEN BEFORE YOU PRESS THE SHUTTER! YES! ITS THAT AMAZING!!! The reason why it's called smart photo selector is because it selects the best shot for you! (Technology nowadays are so advanced) ♥♥♥

-Motion Snapshot

This function allows the camera to records motion movie and a still photo BOTH AT THE SAME TIME! Its like now I don't have to worry about taking pictures while video recording anymore! With Nikon 1 J2, I can have the best of both worlds! ♥♥♥

I happened to saw this 1 out of the 4 photomovie of 2NE1's Dara endorsing Nikon 1 J2 while doing some researching! Its showing the Motion Snapshot features! Its damn cute cannn!!!

Here's the link to the rest of the other videos it!Click Here
If you guys want to know more about the camera Click Here to Nikon's website.

Not forgetting!!

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There's waterproof case (WP-N1) for Nikon 1 J1 and Nikon 1 J2 cameras too! The case is waterproof up to 40 meters (approx. 131 feet) in the water. So now you can bring along your Nikon 1 J1/J2 camera anywhere and everywhere you go!!

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NOW! If I were to have one of these camera's what colour would I want?! Needless to say, its obviously......


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Why? You might ask. Red nice meh?

The reason why I chose red is because, Red is a auspicious colour, Its Bold, Daring & Loud. Red has been my favourite colour ever since secondary school! Whenever I see stuffs that are red in colour, I would definitely take a second glance at it! I have plenty of things in Red colour if you wanna know.

Most of my stuffs are RED in colour!

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Hari Raya house visiting with my muslim friends back at 2011
(Working the red "baju") *SNAPZ*

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Red outfit for dance performance for my school back at 2012

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AND NOW! FOR 2013!

Chinese New Year is here, and what we kids always do when going house visiting is obviously to stand out from the crowd (FOR ME AT LEAST) and also to catch up with my relatives, and so the outfit that I choose to match the Red Nikon 1 J2 is.....
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Outerwear: Burgundy Blazer - H&M
Top: Tribal Tee - Cotton On
Bottom: Normal Jeans - MY MOM's
Shoe: Highcut Shoe - Gmarket
Bag: Clutch - Bugis Street

For any more information you can tweet me @dOnnlicious on twitter, and I'll reply to your inquiries asap. :D

And now, I'll "show off" abit of how you can look FASHIONABLE with NIKON 1 J2!

Here's a teaser!

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To me, its just more of showing your personality and be who you are, and loving yourself, by that, you'll automatically feel good about yourself! What's more, you'll slowly find yourself looking good with zero effort needed!!!


Now with me shamelessly posing for pictures on how I can look fashionable!!!
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Now to end this post with a photo I found of 2NE1 with their Nikon 1 J2!!!
I'm so in love with them, I find them super duper cool even when they're not smiling, just like this photo below!!!!!

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"Make Your Choice, Make Your Style, With Nikon 1 J2"

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