24 Haziran 2012 Pazar

"Red Hot" Heel of the Week and Stop Heart Disease!

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I love the month of February because it signifies that Spring is just  around the corner. So as we finally purge ourselves of the "winter blues" we get to start seeing, thinking and living in red. The color red can mean love, fire,  and passion. Red is hot and its counterpart for cold is blue and lets face it, I'd rather be red hot than cold blue any day of the week. It's all about roses, love, and passion this month, and I for one fully embrace it.

Oh and big shout out to my hubby who also just so happens to be born on Valentine's Day.

But this month is also a huge reminder, that if you have the passion, fire and desire to live--then you have to take care of yourself too. Heart disease is the # killer of women in the United States. The most common cause of heart disease is narrowing or blockage of the coronary arteries, the blood vessels that supply blood to the heart itself. It's the major reason people have heart attacks. And the older a woman gets, the more likely she is to get heart disease. But it can effect women of all ages. Just like it did with  Lauren and Amanda.

Click HERE to read about Amanda's story. (Scroll on right arrow)

Click HERE to read about Lauren's story (Scroll to right arrow)
This month DC on Heels is partnering with our sponsor ShoeDazzle to help raise awareness about heart disease and its deadly effects. We will be wearing our heartfelt Lauren pumps paired with our Amanda clutch and help share these two young girls incredible stories. 10% of the proceeds from these ravishing red beauties will benefit WomenHeart. Click HERE to signup now.

The older a woman gets, the more likely she is to get heart disease. But women of all ages should be concerned about heart disease. All women can take steps to prevent it by practicing healthy lifestyle habits. So take the necessary steps to help knockout this deadly disease. Remember aging is a privilege  not a birth right. We owe it to ourselves. If you have a health story that you'd like to share please email us at dconheels@gmail.com. Besos xoxoxo,
Let's Connect!


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