24 Haziran 2012 Pazar

One Tank Trip: Snowboarding in White Tail

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One thing's for certain about this One Tank Trip...
Markette snowboards backwards
down a hill... don't try this at home!
You will have a blast!
Where: White Tail Ski Resort in Mercersburg, Pa.Distance from DC: 87 miles
Time in Car: 1 hours 51 minutes
Best time to Go: The peak season is winter, but they have outdoor activities all year round. The ideal snow conditions for skiing, boarding or tubing are just after a big snow. Additionally, you can always check the Snow Report for the most up to the minute details. Things to Do: Ski, Snowboard, SnowTube, See and Be Seen.When I first arrive, I am frightened at the notion of riding a lift to the top of a mountain only to have to slide down with both of my feet locked into a standing sled... also known as a snowboard.I know, I know. My hair looks a HOT mess in this video. I didn't see a reason to take it out of the pin curls since I was going to be wearing a hat all day. Anyways, enough of that! Let's get back to the trip... So at first, I really struggled to stay standing on my own two feet. I mean, I really struggled.

After a depressing first few runs on the bunny slopes, I decided to give something a try that I know I'm good at: eating! But I didn't have much luck there, either.
This chicken tender platter set me back a little over $8.
 The food was not bad, but definitely more factory made, than fresh. It was also overpriced, but a ski resort can do that because they a captive audience - a bunch hungry people on a cold mountain with no other food options in sight.

Travel Tip: Eat a hearty breakfast before you go, and pack bottled water and snacks!

My guy did better with his burger selection. But it still
set him back a pretty penny... more than $8.
With food in my belly and my mental block behind me, I went back to wrestle with the mountain.
Markette versus The Mountain: slowly, but surely
 there's triumph... who will win? Nature or (wo)man?
Victory over the mountain!
You know what? I think there really is something to that old addage,"If at first you don't succeed, then try, try again."
Earlier in the day, I had experienced a major mental block over failing at standing up on my snowboard and gliding down the mountain -- and I failed at it over and over again. But I kept trying and eventually I snowboarded and made it down the mountain without falling. 
Sure, Picabo Street would probably laugh and throw snowballs at my performance, while maybe whipping me in the face with one of her shiny Olympic gold medals... but whatever.
I'm not an Olympic athlete, but I'm also not a quitter. And that is what I learned on this latest One Tank Trip. Thank you, White Tail Mountain, for proving that to me.

Let's Connect!
P.S. - Check out our previous One Tank Trip to Colonial Williamsburg.

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