Bought a new phone!!
My dad bought for me a Samsung Galaxy S3 as my birthday present. YAY!!! It's by far the best phone that i've ever got, finally got a phone that has a front camera! YAY TO MORE CAMWHORING!!! :D
Can't believe that we're almost towards the end of the year already, and i'm turning 20 soon!!! OMGAWWDD!!!
Here are some of the random photos that i've taken using my phone, pardon me for the not so good quality...
Char Grill Chicken!
Bought a casing on Gmarket, its like DAMN CHIO CANZZ! But then again, I've bought a diary case because my dad asked me to, as he's afraid of me dropping my phone and *BAM* the phone will end up spoiled, sooo yea...
Went for Sakae Sushi Buffet before choir last week, because initially, me and Daryl wanted to watch Ted, but he's UNDER 18, soo yea. He was sooooo MAD that even created this "DRAMA" that made me, laura and Ranjanni laughed!!!
With Le VERY irritating 3rd sis of mine!
IKR! People are so gonna say i look like the "sis" more than my sis!!! -.-!
I shall end this post with *ERHEM* a chio picture of mine!!! THANKS EVERYBODY THANKS!!
P/s: I know this post is kinda shitty! I'll come up with a proper post soon! "HOPEFULLY"!
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