3 Mayıs 2012 Perşembe

21st Century Girl

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I've never really been resistant to new technology, just too lazy and cheap to be an early adopter. I didn't get a cell phone until about 2002, and when everyone was crowing about the iPhone I was just getting around to buying a flip phone. I bought the cheapest piece of junk TV in 2005, lugged it across the country from DC to CA in 2007, and didn't get around to replacing it until faced with the thought of moving it again when we got a new apartment in May. We happily dropped it off at Goodwill, headed over to Best Buy, and picked up a bright and shiny 42" HD TV. It's lovely.

This past weekend I had to make a trip over to Comcast to drop off our old cable box and router (yes we moved in May, and no I didn't remember we still had the stuff until August. Lazy remember), and while I was there I decided to take the final leap into the 21st century and got a DVR! I'm so excited. I figured with the new TV and this here new blog it would be stupid not to. I can't wait to load it up with all the good, bad, and awesomely bad that TV has to offer. I won't have to wait for things I've missed to come to On Demand. And I won't have to miss large chunks of shows because I'm busy cooking or the phone rings. I don't think I've made it all the way through a show in prime time without some sort of interruption.

Here's how my pre-DVR TV watching would go:8:10 PM- (stirring something on the stove, look up at clock) Oh crap, Vampire Diaries started!8:12 PM- (turn on TV) What did I miss? Is that Elena or Katherine? Crap, gotta stir the soup!8:17 PM- (run back to TV) Commercial?! What the hell?8:25 PM- Ooh Tyler is turning into a werewolf. This is going to be--(phone call from husband saying he's on his way home). Commercial again? (go back to stir soup, cat knocks water bowl over with his face, mop it up with paper towels)8:40 PM- (turn up TV in desperate attempt to find out what's happening while prepping a salad). Someone's screaming, better go see what's up. (run to TV) Bonnie's bleeding? Vamp? Werewolf? What is happening? Argh. Another commercial!8:45 PM- (food set up on the coffee table. Ready to watch the last bit in peace. Hear keys in the door) Hi honey! How was your day? (chit chat while keeping one eye on the TV with the volume down)8:57 PM- (drop spoon on floor, fight off cats who descend like vultures, go to kitchen to grab a clean one, miss the cliffhanger ending)10:00 AM the next day- (read the recap on Entertainment Weekly)
So yeah...that pause button will come in handy.

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