This habit of mine has earned me looks of scorn and actual guffaws of laughter from children in neighboring cars, but I am unrepentant. If you can't sing along (badly) to terrible music in the privacy of your own car (never mind if you have passengers), then dear lord, where can you sing?
My car singing has gotten worse (both in quality and quantity) in the past year since I moved to Lafayette, Indiana. I cannot claim to have had my finger on the pulse (or really, anywhere touching skin) of modern music anytime in my adult life. But at least in Columbus, Ohio, we had some really good radio stations that would introduce me to music from this millennium on a regular basis. In Lafayette, however, my choices of music are WGOD (all Jesus, all the time), Moldy Oldies broadcast from the local high school, one of those ubiquitous ClearChannel radio stations that goes by a man's first name, and even more WGOD.
When J was presented with these non-choices of radio listening, he chose silence over the crap that was offered for our listening pleasure. He has lived with a broken radio in his car since last October. This is unacceptable for me, so I have on occasion found myself actually listening to all seven stanzas of the song Thank You For Being a Friend (of Golden Girls theme song fame) by Andrew Gold. I'll bet you didn't even know it had seven stanzas. I sang along to the parts I knew. My son LO was unimpressed.
In the past week, I have subjected my innocent child to my off-key renditions of the following songs:
The Chapel of Love by The Dixie Cups--I sang this as part of the chorus in my high school's production of Leader of the Pack. I was both placed in the back row to hide my lack of mastery of the (ridiculously simple) choreography and asked to not sing too loud.
Ode to Billie Joe by Bobbie Gentry--Because there's nothing like a song about suicide, Southern Gothic style, to soothe a cranky baby.
I'd Do Anything for Love (But I Won't Do That) by Meat Loaf--I fully expect to lose the respect of several of my friends for not only listening to this song from beginning to end recently, but also knowing all the lyrics.
Material Girl by Madonna--I still can't figure out why Madonna threw away the diamond necklace in the video. Bothered me as a 6 year old and still bothers me now.
(Everything I Do) I Do It for You by Bryan Adams--Okay, I couldn't listen to this from start to finish. Apparently I have some standards.
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