...well, mainly Amy Childs. She is pretty adorable and I'm thinking she's going to be a big, big star someday. I'm also surprisingly Team Kerry Katona, as she seems pretty sweet also. Jedward? Fairly charming? Who knew? Yay Jedward! They would annoy the shit out of me if I had to live with them, but they are tv gold for serious. Shout outs to Paddy, who is pretty adorbs. I even like Darren and his faux abs! I love Brian Dowling too, and hope he gets snapped up by a US tv show of some sort because he is super fun.

I was pretty sure it would be Sally voted out tonight, but I really wish it was Bobby. Who goes to the trouble of mopping up their sweat and tricking their roommate into drinking it? Rude!!! He is the worst...even worse than Tara Reid. Wait, I'm not even going to hate on Tara Reid. She's been way better than I expected and seems alright.

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